Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Server Crash

Server Crash
Server crash is one of the greatest fears of all webmasters. Yesterday while working on a website for a client, I noticed I couldn't access the backend administration of the website. I checked my website, since I use the same ISP (Internet Service Provider) and yes it was down too. I rang the ISP and suggested that their server may be down. Well guess what? Not only was it down, but it crashed big time. The ISP transfered the websites on the defunct server to a new, faster server. Ah my website is safe again. Nah!!!. They used a backup that was 3 months old. All those articles and updates to my website template were lost. Bugger!

The Moral of the Story?
Always backup your website and it's database just in case there is a server crash.

Oh well I wasn't too happy with the updates I made on the website and it could do with a facelife, but man, I hope I have a copy of the articles I wrote. When I was studying my Certificate III in Information Technology - Network Administration, our teacher who was Vietnamese drummed into us with an accent BACK UP! BACK UP! BACK UP! You'd think I would have heeded his advice. Lesson Learned!!!

How does this relate to Networked Media Productions?
As we are learning in our course particularly yesterday in relation to Web 2.0, the scene of the web is changing and we as media producers need to keep up with the technology. There will come a time when you want or reaize you need to have your own website, designed the way you want it and have all the functions, facilities, utilities and wiz bang bells and whistles you ever wanted. That's why I have my own website Fandangle.

It is a long learning curve understanding and taking advantage of HTML, CSS and PHP, Linux, Apache and MySQL. But it is well worth the effort. View it as an investment. Building and managing your own website gives you the power to explore and use new technologies. It also saves you heaps of money when it comes to website development, design and construction.


Bugger, now where did I put that spanner?

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