Its been a while since, I last added a blog to my blogger. It all started while studying in University as part of our class assignments. When I started this blog, I had no idea how blogs work, let alone flickr, facebook, delicious and being a twit doing tweets on twitter. This new technology... well maybe not for some but it was all new to me. After some research and wanting to be part of the world wide web social networking community, I decided to continue blogging on my Blogger adding new blogs. I know it can be confusing sometimes but you get used to it.
Santa's coming to town!!!
So Christmas is 2 sleeps away. We don't have a chimney here, but we do live on the top floor of a block of units. Which means when Santa comes along we should be the first on his list when he visits our units. How do I know this? Well... Where's he going to park his slay? On the roof of our unit of course. He can't park on the ground because he will get a parking ticket.
What are you getting for Christmas
I don't know about you but I have a list for Santa. I have tried really hard to be a good boy. Yeah I know men never grow up. Well that's what my wife keeps telling me. Anyway, don't tell anyone but this is my secret present list. It starts of with Dear Mr Santa Clause. Most kids say Dear Santa. But I'm hoping using the title Mr. will win me some brownie points.
Here is my list of presents I want Santa to deliver to my unit. Please pretty please...
- A huge wide screen HD Digital LCD TV (PAL of course, since I live in Australia)
- A Mac computer with Final Cut Pro so I can edit movies and so my arty, Uni buddies will think I am really, really cool.
- A HD Digital Video Camera with a mike input. If you don't have a mike input you can't record a decent sound.
- A voucher for a mechanic in Canberra to give my car a complete service and tune up. It badly needs it.
- And... And... Some fairy dust that will help me write really cool blogs that will make a lot of people happy and they will like me lots and lots.
- And a humanitarian gift - Peace to the whole world - Food for the poor - Jobs for everyone who is unemployed - Christmas presents for all the children in third world, struggling, poor countries.
New Year 2010
I remember when I was a little boy reading Dick Tracy comic books and thinking Hmmm... 2010... well actually it might have been 2020. But who cares, 2010 sounds good since it will be next year. As I was saying, when I was a little boy I thought, wow that is like, light years away. Will I still be alive then? Will there be flying cars like in the Jetsons? Will we have robots who will be our slaves to do our bidding? Like a really nice lady robot? Hey I was a little boy with unrealistic crazy dreams. But we won't go there. Well guess what? No... we still have cars polluting our planet and threatening the existence of animals, including us humans, and our planet earth. Have a look at Mars, we really stuffed that planet up. What? we weren't there... Well, maybe we weren't but our ancestors were. You know the men from Mars, who met these really, really nice ladies on Venus and they had a crazy party like they did in the days of the Roman Empire. They must have been really cool parties. You know Org... Org... you know. Oh what were they called...? Awe that's right Organized, meeting a new species party and sharing ideas for the future. Now that must have been a really cool party.
Yes a new year is fast approaching and besides my childhood dreams, I am still alive to enjoy this moment and to tell the child in my heart, You are so lucky to see the year 2010.
So what is the moral of these childish ramblings?
Even though we are adults, the child in our hearts(remembering the dreams we had for the future when we were a child. Like boys saying I want to be a fireman or for the girls, I want to be a ballerina). Those were the dreams we had when we were a child and it is up to us as grown up men and ladies to fulfill the dreams we had when we were a child and while growing up. Don't let self doubt hold you back in making your life a fulfilling and happy one. We have control of our destiny. Don't give up on your dreams and make the child in your heart proud to be part of you.
Conclusion to Daryl's ramblings while drinking only water
Ho, Ho, Ho... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...
Oops my wife walked in... Better go now... Hi Honey... I love you...
Psst... What are your plans for Christmas? Leave a comment and have some fun...
I love your dreams for the upcoming year. It's a good reminder to ourselves that the only thing standing between us and our dreams is ourselves. May your New Year be healthy, happy and successful.